Fathers Day Thoughts

HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!! To all the dedicated papas and mamas playing both roles.
I hear the saying "any male can make a baby but it takes a real man to be a father"................ Parents of children who have what I call "biologicals" --definition :the man who gave up some DNA (keeping it real)-- How do you feel about it?
I have my own issues with that situation and have my own point of view on the subject. I guess my number one issue over all is "How can you go threw life on this earth knowing you have a child out there and not want to know them?" Now I know every situation is different but if by chance you can be involved why aren't you? Is it alright to pretend they don't exist, to put the burden on the mother to provide emotionally and financially for your child? Last I heard it takes two to make a baby.
I've heard statements being made like "she got married and the kid is with the new guy more so I stopped going to see them" or this ol'stand by "me and my baby mama hate each other and/or she won't let me see my child" (translation - can't stand her and I ain't going over there)
Look the last statement I'm not a fan of because your relationship with the mother is not your relationship with your child. Now if the bios are not the best influence then keeping them away is probably for the best. Let's not forget the "she don't spend the money on my kid so I'm not paying child support" wow that one gets me too! So let's see she buys food, gas, pays her light bill or rent with it right? The child needs food, mom needs to be able to get back and forth to work to support your child, the child needs a place to stay and electricity right? But does it still give you, the bio., an excuse to not financially support that child?
I have a solution for that, since you claim to not trust the mother with the money, you can open a savings account a put a little bit away every month and when your child turns 18 they have something to start life on. That would show them you did care even if you couldn't/wouldn't be there for them.................
Whoooooo ........ I'm off of my soapbox for now !! ........... lol
Today is about those who are good fathers. My husband is one of those men and I thank God for bringing him to me and for being my children's FATHER!

I do want to say I am glad that there are men out there who are willing to step up and be that father figure for these children and for those who have been there from the beginning no matter what your relationship is with your child's mother is ......... god bless you and keep it up!
You have no idea what it means to your child to have you there to know when they call you will be there for them and that you put them first!

Speak on it .......

The Weather

It is a beautiful day in good ol' SC ........ a lovely 100 degrees today!! What is up with the weather? All over the country it's raining when it should be sunny and vice versa. Some people believe it's Global Warming some say it's the beginning of the Apocalypse. What do you think?

Unreliable People ....

I was going to get on yesterday but I had an eye appointment and they dilated my eyes. I couldn't focus on anything.
Now unreliable family members is my topic this morning. I asked a family member to pick my child up from her summer gifted and talented program of which is only 2 weeks at 12:30. I specifically said "Can you do this for me?" the reply was "sure". Now they only had to pick her up on Mon., Tue., and Thur. the other two days her father got her. Well on Monday my mother got her so that family member didn't have to get her then AND when her father picked her up the family member who shall NOT-BE-NAMED (like my Harry Potter) asked "do I need to pick her up tomorrow?" and he said YES!! I got witnesses. . . So why on yesterday I get a call asking me if someone was coming to pick my child up???!! Can you say HEATED!!! See now you gonna make a "B" cut somebody up in hur! My baby is the only one there in a not so bestest neighborhood and the teacher has to leave because she has another school program to get to. Luckily there was a summer school session going on so one of those teachers waited with her.
So after I get off the phone with the teacher. I called NO-NAME and I was told "I forgot" and then the excuses came .... HOW THE HELL YOU FORGET MY CHILD!!! So I shut it down hung up and will be taking a break from them for a min. What gets me is that I have done for this person and their children more time then I can say. I never ask for anything back nor do I expect anything in return. So when I do ask for something so simple why is it that they couldn't do it? LAZINESS pure LAZINESS!
So tell me about your unreliable moment with a family member.

Speak on it ........

Rambling cause it's late

I am up watching the late night news and painting my fingernails all while typing this in on my blog. Multi-tasking at it's best. Well I have been in a extra cranky mood the last few days care to guess why? Yup PMS! Who came up with PMS and how did it become a "syndrome"? I find it funny how having gas has become irritable bowel syndrome, leg twitches or falls asleep you have restless leg syndrome and your kid has a temper tantrum guess what he/she has ADHD/ADD. I wonder if the drug companies sit around a table, like writers do on a sit-com, and throw out names....hmmmmmm (this is me imagining it goes like this)

Bob......"How about irritable skin syndrome!(naming unexplained rashes)......... Jane......"Yeah I like that! Oh how about epidermititusability (epi-dermi-titus-ability) syndrome EDTAS as the acronym! ......... Sounds silly but probability true .....

I try to do the natural thing first. I don't like taking medicine unless my Dr. makes me. She short, bossy and scares me a little bit. So I'm watching the news and they are talking about the Health Care Reform that President Obama is trying to get passed. As someone who has been insured by the military (active duty & dependant) employer provided insurance (which I pay for), medicaid (state/gov assistance) and not having any at all.... I have an unusual perspective at least I think I do.
When I was active duty I could go to my local TMC (troop medical center) and get treatment for free. It was fast and efficient. It was staffed by medics who were in training and some Dr's who where keeping skills sharp. The question I pose is why can't civilians do that? Staff it with Dr's who need clinic hr's and have med students there learning the basics.... I'm just saying

Speak on it .......

Grand Opening

This is going to be short and sweet.... I'm basically starting my blog up again, hopefully my ADD won't kick in and draw (ooohhh shiney)
.... Sorry I get easily distracted. But anywho I am going to try to keep this up and going. I definitely have much to say about NOTHING and EVERYTHING so hit me up ......

Later Yolei ....