SC Roads SUCK .... Thanks SCDOT

I have to get used to the changes Blog.ger made.  I don't like that they took away spell check.  I mean some of us have issues with spelling.  So sue me.

Ok so it has been a while since I have updated you with my goings on.  Well last week Tuesday I hit a BIG AZZ pothole and blew out my front passenger tire in the dead of night on a country road.  You all know I live in the country.  We are talking The Color Purple country.  Mackeeee-da-da
You did know that there are NO LIGHTS going down these country roads, right?  I was beyond pissed!!  I have had my putty for 6 months so this right huuur was some bull-ish. 
I would like to thank the Berkeley County Sheriffs Dept. Deputy who helped me but I was so crazed and relieved I forgot the mans name.

$120 bucks for one tire OK better than I was expecting.  No damage to the rim woo hoo!  But the dealer didn't have a tire on the lot for my car.  Ummm how you gon sell a car and not keep the tires on the lot??? I'm just saying  ......... Y'all I was rolling on a donut for a few days.  My putty was c-walking =(    Mama (me) was not happy about that. 

Thanks to Berkeley County DOT the roads I drive look like crap!  I am feeling a documentary coming on.  Picture it .... I'm driving and I have a dash cam. filming the roads.  Would you watch it?  Are your roads just horrible?  Have you complained about it?

Speak on it.....

Pre-Birthday Ramblings

  • I am so good about turning 36. 
  • I never got with the whole "I'm getting old" thing. 
  • I think I'm getting better for sure. 
  • It's supposed to snow for my birthday. It hasn't snowed here on about 8 yrs. Thank you Lord. It was just for me =) 
  • Hubby is looking for a new job. We are willing to move if the pay is right. 
  • I really like my semi-new car. It's about 6 months old. 
  • I am really gassy. 
  • I've been eating a lot of oat bran. No wonder I so gassy. 
  • Work has become a chore. They have sucked the fun out of it for me. 
  • I am in a fashion rut. I've lost 33lbs this past year and nothing I have fits properly.  
  • I hate winter clothes. I like summer clothes. 
  • I can wear my dresses and my flip-flops =) 
  • I've been wearing my hair natural for about 2 yrs and I need to figure out what to do with it. 
  • I love it natural. 
  • My dog Ella got her nail stuck in her fur. See I told Dre she needed to be cut. 

What you got?

Speak on it ....


As I've gotten older I look back at the way my life has unfolded. Most of it I am happy with the outcome. some of it I wonder if I made the right decisions. I feel like I'm not where I should be. So now that the kids are older, hell I got one about to go off to college, I am ready to make a life change for myself and my family.
Treading water is getting old! Time to move on and blaze a new trail. Who knows it could be the best thing for all of us and well we won't know until we try. I think it would be a fun new adventure. Hubby on the other had I'm not so sure he feels that way. I know he's ready to do something different but HOW different IDK. He is a creature of habit. Nuff said. So I will keep you posted and we'll see how it goes.

Speak on it ....

What about YOUR friends???

I have purged you from life because of what I call being a fake-ass. My so-called friend of 10 yrs. just stopped talking to me. Poof just like that one week we were good and the next nothing. No people this is not the first time this person has done this. She has suddenly become too busy or is caught up in some dude and I won't hear from her for months. Then after 3, 5, 7 months later I get a e-mail or phone call explaining the new drama that has befallen her life. Now I would listen and comfort her and help her threw all the craziness. Then when life is so-called good for her poof she gone and we are starting all over again. What I fine rather funny is each time she pulls a vanishing act she befriends a person she KNOWS I can't stand to be around. I guess it's supposed to make me mad or jealous. We in the beginning that shit hurt my feelings. I was mad a hell about it. She would do all kinds of things to help or be there for these heffa-cats who never meant her no good. I just didn't get it but she was my besty and I loved her like a DNA sister so when she'd come back I'd over look it. I missed her and the fun we had together.
I am tired of it. People outside of this friendship saw it and wondered why I kept her as a friend when she was not a true friend to me. I guess just like when you have a man you hope they change, that they mean it THIS time. I was the the girlfriend scorned. lol
We are on the outs and I truly ok with not seeing her. Now what bothers me a itty bit is the fact that she is hanging with someone she doesn't really like, like that and who ABSOLUTELY I CAN'T STAND !!!!! That is irking the be.shait.ness out of me. Why? Because I can't stand this heffa!!! Ok ok I know why do I even care. Cause the itch lives next door.

Woosaaaa !

Got a faker story purge

Speak on it!!!!


I guess the title says it all. I hate being sick. I really hate being sick when you work with people who make you feel bad for being sick. They act like you faking or something. Now if my Dr. thinks it's a good idea for me to take a couple days off to get better how do you call it faking? I guess maybe I'm being touchy. Could be since I'm up in this cold azz office with a t-shirt, sweater, hoodie, thick azz scarf, long socks that go past my knees and some jeans on feeling like I'm freezing. I have no fever but my temp is reading below normal, has been for about a month. So I have to get some blood work done to see what, if anything, is going on. Did I mention I HATE NEEDLES too!

I'm a baby and I know it so sue me!

Speak on it.