Birthday Shout Out's

I want to send a Happy Birthday shout out to my sister Ty. She is 30-something years old. Hope today is a good day. I know you will be celebrating ALL weekend long!

Lurve Yah!! Yolei

Works Well With Others

Do you work well with others? I like to think I do. I'm sure other might disagree. Ha!
I am helpful to a point because you know people will take advantage of your kindness.
There in lies my problem. I have co-workers who just think because they have been here many years longer they have some sort of authority over me. Now I seem to recall being hired to do the same job you do. Your many years mean nothing to me cause we are on even ground in this position. So why is it that folks want to get their panties in a bunch when you put them back in there place. I do just as much work ... if not MORE cause people loooove giving me EXTRA PROJECTS to do like I don't have enough to do already.
Any who ....
Tell me about your work environment. Do you love what you do? Do you get along with your co-workers/boss?

Speak on it.

State of the Union Address

So last night I watched the Presidents State of the Union speech and I was glad to hear the tone it took. I had been feeling like he wasn't doing all he could do and now we had lost some of the peoples will. Last night he talked about all of these programs that helped stave off a recession and I know it HAD to be done but us working poor don't really see where it's helping us. I am really trying hard not to criticize him because he was handed this mess that took 8 plus years to make and expect him to fix it in 1 yr. but like a friend said that is 1/4 of your time gone. Trying to appease the GOP is not going to happen and now that we no longer have the majority in the Senate we can hang health care up. My hubby has diabetes and it would be a pre-existing condition and we have been in that position where I had to wait a whole year before he could get insurance to cover all things related to his care when I started a new job because of it. He can't help that he still needed insulin and we had to pay out of pocket for it. I am working at a job that told us, the employees, we will not be getting a raise in pay until maybe 2014. Now we haven't had one in the last 2 yrs so that will be 6 yrs with NO RAISES. I guess I should be glad I have a job, right? Businesses know that and are doing whatever they like to there employees because they know it's hard out there and any piece of job is better then none at all.

I just hope they listen to him when he said WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF WASHINGTON'S BICKERING!! I am so tired of both sides fighting and never getting anything done. We NEED them to get shit done. So like everyone else I will be waiting and watching.

What did you think of the speech? How do you feel about it? Do believe we can get anything done or it all talk? Let me know

Speak on it!

You're a Trip

If you were planning trip to Atlantic City with a bunch of old classmates/friends.
The communication has much trash talking is going on and you believe most of it is just talk. However, if you go and some stuff goes down between people you know are married.

What would you do? Would you say something to them about their behavior or would you mind your own business and do you?

Speak on it.

Oh The Weather Outside is Frightful

OK so here I go complaining about this cold weather. Yup!! I don't do cold weather very well anymore. I lived in DC the better part of my teenage years and I got used to it but since I've been living in SC I just can't stand it! I guess SC just can't win for losing I don' like the humid summers and now these rigid cold snaps. *sigh*

When will it ever end? I have no desire to live in the colder climates. Looks like I need to go back to Hawaii to live! Yeah that sounds like a plan but what you don't know is that it actually gets cold there too. Cold enough to have on a thick coat, hat and such. So what is a girl to do? I guess I'll have to suck it up and keep it moving.

Maybe if I do a quick workout in the a.m. it will get the blood pumping and get me warmed up. Naaaah ....... Not gonna happen!!! I'd have to get up at 5am and go to sleep by like 8pm .... hahaha that's funny considering I don't get home most nights until 8pm

So how do you feel about this wonky weather? Do you think it's a sign of more to come? Let me know.


Goals for 2010

New Years Resolutions. Do you do them? Do you keep them? I know I never do all of them but I do try. I am not big on making ones I know I will not keep like Going to church more or trying to fix what some people have told me are my flaws. Yeah sounds a bit selfish. Maybe so. I just KNOW me and I know I'm not going to do it so why kid myself.

What I do is make goals. Goals that are attainable. I put benchmarks in there letting me know I'm headed in the right direction. I like a goal vs a resolution. It's sounds more challenging to me. So here are a list of 2010 goals and in 2011 I will look back and see how many I was able to achieve.

1. Pay off ALL Credit Card Debt.
2. Apply for my first home loan
3. Look for a house that I can afford AND I like. (no use buying something you don't want)
4. Close on my house before April 30Th. A sister wants that $8 G's
5. Move in!
6. Complete all required classes and be certified in A.I. by the end on 2010!
7. Compete on 99 Designs and Win!!!!!
8. Start looking for Graphic Design Jobs. I am changing my career field!
9. Go on a family vacation .... somewhere the liked will love!
10. Take my hubby to Vegas!

I think some of these are going to be pretty challenging for ME maybe not you but for ME it will be. See I have let fear hold me back and I am not any longer! I am going to go for it and let the chips fall where they may. God willing they will all fall in my favor!

- Yolei